Minor Surgery

At Amberley Medical Centre, you can see GPs with a special interest in skin conditions, minor skin surgery and specialised training in MoleMate dermoscopy. 

Services include assessment, diagnosis and treatment of various skin conditions. Minor surgeries (listed below) are be carried out in the medical centre. 

This convenient service saves patients travel time and can aid in recovery. 

Punch Biopsy

A punch skin biopsy is used to diagnose or rule out skin conditions and diseases. It may also be used to remove skin lesions.

How we can help you

These surgical procedures are available - please ask your doctor if a procedure is suitable for you. Your doctor will refer you to our in-house Minor Surgery Clinic which is held every Thursday.

  • Full body skin check with dermoscope examination of any mole or lesion.  Allow 30 minutes for this appointment.
  • Skin Lesion Excisions (including mole removal)
  • Excision biopsy
  • Punch biopsy
  • Excision of sebaceous cysts and abscesses
  • Joint/Steroid Injection
  • Toenail wedge resection (Ingrown toenail surgery)

Have you had your skin checked lately?

Are you worried that sun exposure or sunburn has damaged your skin? Have you got some moles that need to be checked? The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Just like all the other major organs, your skin needs to be protected and cared for; this includes receiving skin health checks and advice from your GP.

The doctor will advise you about the best treatment options for skin lesions and moles.

For benign (harmless) lesions and moles, treatment options include cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen), biopsy or removal by excision - usually for cosmetic reasons.

For any suspicious or undetermined lesions or moles, a skin biopsy or excision is usually recommended, so that that a tissue sample can be taken and sent to a laboratory to check for the presence of skin cancer. Local anaesthetic is provided for skin excision procedures to minimise pain or discomfort.

Excision Biopsy:

An excision biopsy is when the entire skin lesion is removed and subsequently sent to the laboratory for testing. The intention of an excision biopsy is to remove all suspicious cells of a lesion in the single procedure.

You will need a consultation with a doctor prior to any surgical procedure. Fees will apply.

Skin Health + Minor Surgery Appointments  

You will need a preliminary appointment with your GP before booking any minor surgery. 
No referral is required for a Skin check appointment 
Please discuss your needs with our receptionist when you call. 
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